We’ve come across so many detox diets to get that perfect summer body, but what about the after season detox to maintain a healthy lifestyle?

You know you’ve put on weight over the summer when all you can do to run away from the harsh heat here in Qatar is to stay indoors for most part of your day. Staying indoors with less activity can lead to fatigue, being lazy and increase in weight.

Perfecting the summer body is one thing but maintaining that fitness level even after, is whole other concept. After the long summer holidays, most of us are running outdoors for a breath of fresh air in the evenings or just trying to get out for a nice cup of coffee. Or if you’ve been away the entire summer touring the world to take in the various cultures, vacation weight can be a huge issue to deal with.

Nutritionist Camila Herrera gives you an easy detox diet for those who want to start the routine of a healthy lifestyle.


½ cup yellow lemon fresh juice. (2 lemons)

1 Green apple, ½ cup fresh blueberries
Mix both fruits together and add 1 tablespoon of fresh oatmeal on the top.

5 fresh almonds and a cup of plain tea

½ cup cooked quinoa (5 tablespoon)
Grilled fish – 80gms or a palm size fillet, no oil
1 big bowl of green and fresh salad with lemon or balsamic vinegar.

1 kiwi
One hour later, drink one cup of plain tea

Grilled fish – 80gms or a palm size fillet, no oil
1 big bowl of green and fresh salad with lemon or balsamic vinegar.


Note: Please make sure to check with your doctor if you have any medical conditions before starting the detox diet. 

Contributed by: Camila Herrera, Edited by: Keertana Koduru

Camila Herrera is a Nutritionist-Dietician, with more than 7 years’ experience in the field. She is a qualified food engineer having done her graduation in the field of Human Nutrition. 

In 2012, she moved to Qatar to work as a Nutritionist attending counselling diets for medical and non-medical patients of all ages.  After 3 years she started to work with the ‘Royal Family’ as their personal Nutritionist (her biggest challenge) and at present, she is part of EMC (European Medical Center).

Additionally, Camila has her own web page http://bewellmc.wixsite.com/bewell and is the co-founder of the “be well-health food” slogan.

“Having a medical problem is not an excuse to start gaining weight…you don’t need excuses, just learn how to eat well, your body will thank you.”

Contact Camila: c.herrera@emc.qa +97455753416/+97450805063