Covid-19 is the subject of topical, colorful and attention-grabbing street art, whether it is for artistic, educational or political ends. Below is a round-up of some of the best street art.
London, England
A mural by street artist Lionel Stanhope on a bridge wall in Ladywell, south-east London.
Dublin, Ireland
A dog walks past a mural depicting a coronavirus cell.
Warsaw, Poland
A mural showing medical personnel wearing protective masks.
Paris, France
A jogger passes a mural with a message reading “Achoo Covid-19”
Catania, Italy
The Mona Lisa with a face mask
Gatchina, Russia
A mural depicting viruses on a block of flats in Gatchina, some 20km south of St Petersburg
Wetteren, Belgium
A mural depicting a healthcare worker by street artist CAZ
Rafah, Gaza Strip
An artist paints a mural reading “By fighting the epidemic, we protect the human being and preserve the earth” in the southern Gaza Strip
Athens, Greece
Sixteen-year-old youth artist SF paints a mural about the Covid-19 crisis on a roof in Athens
East Java, Indonesia
A woman walks past a mural that invites people to fight against the Covid-19 in Surabaya.
Source : The Guardian
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